英検1級 攻略法(長文四択問題)
長文四択問題 攻略法
Ⅱ時を表す副詞に注目(in the past, now, recentlyなど)、
Ⅲ逆接語(but, however, yetなど)の後
*while, although, whereas, meanwhileなどの対比表現にも注目
Ⅳ理由表現(because, since, as, due to~など)に注意
In addition、moreover, also、another~」などの語に注意。
(should, need to, ask人to原形等)が需要、必要性を示す。
:例)like, dislike, happy、unhappy,
⑧できること、できないこと(can, be able to)
☆実験・調査→新事実 ☆物事の増減や変化
長文四択問題 実践編
Japan’s Economic Aid
Since the establishment of OECF (The
Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan) in 1962, Japan has been extending
a lot of economic assistance to developing countries for more than 40 years.
While it is true that our country has promoted the prosperity of these
countries in some ways, it is also true that increasing numbers of people claim
that Japan’s financial
help is not properly monitored or effectively used for people in need, and that
there are many problems piling up. In fact, it is said that the improper use of
the funding and the shortage of sustainable help still impede the prosperity of
some impoverished countries in the realms of economics, medicine and education.
I believe that it is important for us to analyze the current situations, and that
we must find good ways to improve them. That’s why I’d like to suggest three things as follows.
Let us first consider the importance of the effective monitoring system.
According to the media coverage, for example, so far, ODA (Official Development
Assistance) has not been properly used as it was supposed to be. In some cases,
corrupted local politicians embezzle the money and use it for personal purposes
including building a big house and buying an expensive car. Thus, the needy
people cannot enjoy the benefits of financial assistance. Then, what should the
government do to change these situations? This question is a good starting
point in contemplating some effective counter measures. I think the bottom line
is that Japan should establish the effective system of checking in cooperation
with the recipient countries and conduct it in a straightforward manner. The
combination of strict regulations and mandatory feedback can create the
environment in which it is no longer easy for people in power to abuse the
funds. One thing that the concerned governments ought to do is to enact laws to
prevent any abuse of ODA and severely punish offenders such as imposing heavy
fines on criminals and imprisoning them. Another thing is that those who use
the money have to release a report to the monitoring organization, showing the
details of what they spent the money on. The details should be open to the
public to maintain transparency and validity.
In addition, we should always keep in mind that Japan’s
financial assistance should be offered to best benefit the local people, rather
than please the donors. In the course of giving the assistance, the donors seem
to have lost sight of the true meaning of economic aid to people in need. Some
experts criticize that Japan’s ODA mainly benefits the
nation instead of the local residents. For instance, Japan’s ODA focuses way too much on infrastructure building and the
economic growth of developing countries. This may be very profitable for
Japanese corporations which join some projects of ODA, but it is often
inconsistent with the interests of local people. Statistically speaking, only
20% of the whole population in Thailand can enjoy most of the benefits of GDP
(Gross Domestic Product). Building unnecessary roads and bridges for local
people in poor countries is also such utter nonsense that I can’t believe that financial givers do the right things for the needy
people. Therefore, the government should thoroughly investigate exactly what
the local people need beforehand and extend economic aid accordingly.
Furthermore, Japan ought to offer economic assistance in a sustainable fashion.
To provide an example: the government once built an advanced hospital in
Manila, the Philippines. Unfortunately, this assistance was not as great as everyone
involved in the project made it seem, because the staff of the hospital couldn’t make the best of almost all the high-quality facilities due to
frequent blackouts, low awareness of local people, and lack of funds to cover
the maintenance cost and workforce. I believe that the government ought to
offer assistance based on the actual situations of recipient countries. It is
also essential to educate local residents to be independent. If not, they tend
to continuously depend on the assistance from Japan. Once the assistance is
over, they should stand on their own. In order to make the economic aid
meaningful and long-lasting, this idea is truly something that everyone should
keep in mind.
All things considered, the government should properly give financial aid with a
good monitoring system, to the advantage of local people and as effective
assistance. At some point in the near future, we may be able to see better
results if the government does the things according to the suggestions I
mentioned above.
(38)What is one of the problems about Japan’s financial
1.Japan has not offered sufficient economic aid to developing countries.
2.A growing number of people criticize Japan for impeding the prosperity of
some developing nations.
3.Some economic aid from Japan is not appropriately applied to the needy people
due to lack of the good system of checking.
4.Japan neither tries to analyze the current situations nor corrects them
(39)What does the author suggest Japan do to have its aid efficiently used?
1.Japan ought to punish corrupted local politicians severely.
2.Japan should make recipient countries enact strict laws so that the further
misuse of its ODA may be stopped.
3.The detailed information about the use of ODA should be open to Japan.
4.Both givers and receivers of ODA should cooperate to put things under control
and grasp the actual conditions about how the financial aid is used.
(40)Why does the author bring up the examples of Thailand and the Philippines?
1.To show that Japan’s ODA only satisfies donors, not
local residents.
2.To argue that Japan’s ODA can hardly bring the
greatest merits to the people in need.
3.To emphasize that Japan’s ODA is used to build
unwanted bridges and roads.
4.To indicate that Japan’s ODA often provides local
people with high-tech equipment, which may not be properly used by them.
(41)All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that
1. Japan’s financial aid still leaves much to be
2. proper corrections to Japan’s ODA will yield more
desirable results in the future.
3. Japan’s ODA should be restrained so as not to make
the local people too dependent on it.
4. Japan’s ODA should be given to the people in poor
nations in a more effective manner
解答 (38)3 (39)4 (40)2 (41)3
まずタイトルを見ます。「Japan’s Economic
最初のパラグラフのメインアイディアを確認します。一番初めの文は「長年日本が経済援助を行ってきた」という事実が書かれているのみです。次を読みます。するとwhileを使って日本の経済援助のプラス点マイナス点が対照的に述べられています。対比表現は重要です!特に後半の「it is also true that increasing numbers of people claim that Japan’s financial help is not properly monitored or effectively used for
people in need, and that there are many problems piling up.」部分から「日本の経済援助が適切に監視され、効果的に用いられていない、問題が山積している」がわかります。
ここで設問(38)を見ます。「日本の経済援助の問題点の一つは何か」をきていて、先ほど確認した内容で答えが出そうです。1,は「Japan has not offered sufficient
economic aid」の部分が間違い、2.は「~people
criticize Japan for impeding the prosperity~」が間違い、4は記載がないので間違い。3.がwhile部分の後半と内容が一致するので正解となります。
us first consider the importance of the effective monitoring system.(まず初めに効果的な監視制度の重要性についてよく考えましょう。)」と段落終わりあたりの「Another thing is that those who use the money have to release a
report to the monitoring organization, showing the details of what they spent
the money on.(もう一つはお金を使う人がそれを何に使ったかの詳細を示す報告書を監視団体に提出すべきことです。)」になるかと思います。
つまり「効果的な監視制度の重要性」と「お金を使っている人の報告義務」がこの段落の重要ポイントになります。これらの目印として「first consider」の「first」と「Another thing」の「another」が呼応していて要点が2つあることに気づくことが必要です。
ここで設問(39)を見ます。1,は「~punish corrupted local politicians severely」が間違い。2.は「Japan should make recipient countries
enact strict laws」が間違い。3は「~be
open to Japan」が間違い。4.は「Japan
should establish the effective system of checking」と「those
who use the money have to release a report」と一致するので正解。
次に第3パラグラフと第4パラグラフのメインアイディアを確認します。それぞれ段落最初の「we should always keep in mind that Japan’s
financial assistance should be offered to best benefit the local people(経済援助は現地の人の利益になるべき)」と「Japan ought to offer economic assistance in a sustainable fashion.(日本の経済援助は存続可能なやり方で提供されるべき)」になります。タイとフィリピンの事例は「現地の人の利益になっていない例」と「存続可能なやり方で提供されていない例」として挙げられています。従ってこの内容に合っている設問(40)の選択肢が正解になります。
1,3,4はいずれも第3パラグラフと第4パラグラフのメインアイディアとその事例から外れています。従って2.の「To argue that Japan’s ODA can hardly bring the greatest merits to the people in need.(日本の経済援助が必要としている人に最大の利益をもたらしていないことを論じるため)」が正解となります。
最後の段落はそれまでの内容のサマリーとなっていて「the government should properly
give financial aid with a good monitoring system, to the advantage of local
people and as effective assistance.(政府は地元の人々の利益になるように優れた監視制度付きで経済援助を適切に提供すべき)」と言っています。
設問(41)です。適切でないものを選ぶ問題です。3の「Japan’s ODA should be restrained(日本の経済援助は抑えられるべき)」はどこにものべられていません。これが正解となります。
この長文四択問題は英検1級の標準的なレベルより易しかったかもしれません。しかしながら、「タイトルから【筆者の意図を予測】する大切さ」「メインアイディアを押さえる重要性」「抽象→具体の意味の流れ」「対比表現や列挙表現(First, another)の重要性」「正解は本文部分のパラフレーズ(言い換え)」「誤答は本文内容の逆か記載なし」などがお分かりいただけたかと存じます。
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