大阪大学 2020 前期 英語 外国語学部以外 Ⅳ 和文英訳
Learning what kind of questions philosophers of the past faced up to and what they thought of those questions means that in order for us not to repeat the same mistakes again that people in those days made, we ourselves learn the lessons which they learned at great cost.
The same goes for reading. If you accept the author's thoughts with no criticism and tell others the content without thinking of it for yourself, it is meaningless to read a book.
The important thing is to reflect on and consider the thoughts and lifestyle that you have had through reading and, in addition, to review the way you live.
It is arrogant to write about historical events. This is because those who write about the past, being in the privileged situation where all the events have already happned, write about the things that they have not actually seen as if they had seen them.
マイナスにマイナスをかけるとプラスになる。中学数学で学ぶことだがつまづく生徒は少なくない。マイナスにマイナスをかけるということが身近な出来事に結びつきづらいというのも一因かもしれない。世の中には色々と説明の仕方があるかと思うが、ここでは私なりの一つの考え方を書き連ねてみようと思う。 ただその前にい...
【和文】(A)新メディアの登場で「紙」の新聞を購読する代わりに、パソコン画面に無料で提供されるニュース情報の閲読で済ます人々が年々増えてきた。いわゆる新聞離れだ。 (B)それだけでなく、新聞社だとかテレビのような大組織が大衆に情報を伝達するマスコミとは異なり、個人は情報の受け手であるだけでなく、情報...