#25 英語と写真でバーチャルツアー①~金沢・兼六園~
今回は、石川県金沢市の兼六園を旅します。外国人向けの観光案内文と美しい写真を見ながら、一緒に旅行気分を味わいましょう!Have a nice trip!
A Beautiful and Famous Garden in the Heart of Kanazawa
Considered one of Japan’s three most beautiful gardens, Kenrokuen Garden is a must-visit location in Kanazawa.
The name Kenrokuen means “having six factors”, representing the attributes which bring out the garden’s stunning beauty: spaciousness, tranquility, artifice, antiquity, water sources and magnificent views.
兼六園という名称の由来。「六勝」については☞http://www.pref.ishikawa.jp/siro-niwa/kenrokuen/6place.html。spaciousness「広大」。tranquility「静寂」。artifice「技術」。antiquity「古色蒼然」。water sources「水源」。magnificent views「景勝」。
The garden has an area of 11.4 hectares and is located on the heights of the central part of Kanazawa next to Kanazawa Castle.
面積と場所の説明。1 hectare「1ヘクタール」は10,000m2なので、その約11倍の広さ。東京ドーム2.5個分、と言われてもピンとこないですよね…。サッカーコート十数面分の方がまだピンとくるでしょうか。
The Maeda family, who ruled the Kaga Domain (the present Ishikawa and Toyama areas) in feudal times, maintained the garden from generation to generation.
It is regarded as one of the most beautiful feudal lords' gardens in Japan.
feudal lord「藩主」。
One of Kenrokuen Garden’s most stunning attractions is its large artificial pond called Kasumigaike.
Located near the center of the pond is Horai Island.
The pond is often seen to symbolize the sea and Horai Island a sacred island out at sea, on which an ageless hermit with miraculous power was believed to live.
霞ヶ池は「海」と「蓬莱島」に見立てて作られた。蓬莱島は、中国の神仙思想に基づく想像上の島。不老不死の仙人(ageless hermit with miraculous power)が住むところと考えられていた。Horai Islandとa sacred land out at seaは同格。ふつうはコンマで区切る(☞ブログ#10③)。
As a result, the pond and the island were constructed to symbolize long life and eternal prosperity for the lord.
There are many other gorgeous features to enjoy in the garden, including the flowers and trees that grow there, such as plum and cherry blossoms in spring, azaleas and irises early in summer, and colorful red and yellow leaves in autumn.
In November, visitors can enjoy the snow-covered landscapes with yukizuri (which means “snow hanging”).
Yukizuri is a traditional technique for protecting the branches of the pine trees in the garden from heavy snow; trees are given support by bamboo poles and rope arranged a captivating conical layout.
雪吊りの目的。captivating「魅力的な」。conical「円錐形の」。ここではa ~ layoutは前置詞無しで副詞的に使われているが、arranged into a ~ layoutのように前置詞を補うのが標準的な書き方。
Additional Information
Opening Times: 7am to 6pm (8am to 5pm from October 16th to end of February.)
Kenrokuen Garden is open 365 days a year.
Admission Fee: Adult: 320 yen
Children (6 to 17 years old): 100 yen
Persons aged 65 years old or over: Free (ID required)
Address: 1 Kenroku-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0936
Contact: Telephone: 076-234-3800
さて、⑴では「名詞構文」が大きなポイントだったけど、⑵でも実は「名詞構文」が現れている。そこに気付いて適切に訳せるようになることが、英文解釈上級者への大きなステップになります。The actions of menを琢磨君は「男性の行動」と訳している。でも実はここのmenは性別を問わず「人...