
#100 英語と写真でバーチャルツアー⑭~神戸・神戸ルミナリエ~






Illuminations in Kobe

Each year at Christmas the streets of downtown Kobe are lit up in a spectacular arrangement known as the Kobe Luminarie. Thousands of tiny bulbs are arranged on frames to form tunnels of light, whilst glittering towers and cathedral-like creations combine to dazzle the senses. The effect is truly enchanting.

at Christmasとon Christmasの違いに注意。My whole family get together at Christmas.のようにatを使うと「12月25日の前後を含む期間(Christmastime)」を指す。「私の家族は全員クリスマスシーズンに集まります」。それに対して、My whole family get together on Christmas.のようにonを使うと「12月25日(Christmas Day)」のみを指すことになる。「私の家族は全員クリスマスの日に集まります」。downtown☞ブログ#59。litはlightの過去分詞。spectacular: striking, impressive。luminarieはイタリア語で「電飾(イルミネーション)」を意味する。

tunnelの発音は「トンネル」ではないことに注意。whilstは難しい語。whileと同じ意味の接続詞。glitter: shine brightly。All is not gold that glitters.「輝くものの全てが金であるとは限らない」(諺)。creation「創作物、作品」。dazzle: amaze with spectacular display。a dazzling beauty「目が眩むくらい美しい人」。the senses「五感」。

enchanting: delightfully attractive。☞ブログ#38 enchanted islands

Originally conceived as a commemoration to the victims of the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995, this ‘festival of light’ provides cheer for its citizens and has become a great showcase for the city’s recovery.

Originally conceived ~1995は分詞構文。conceive A as B「AをBだと考える」。commemoration「記念、追悼」。provide A for B=provide B with A「BにAを与える」。showcase: an event designed to exhibit someone or something favorably。

Streets in the vicinity are closed to traffic, allowing pedestrians to fill the streets and enjoy the lights, whilst vendors set up stalls, offering traditional snacks and hot drinks. The atmosphere is pleasantly light and festive.

vicinity: a region near or about a place。be closed to traffic=not giving access to vehicles。allowing以下は分詞構文。allow ~ to doは大学受験生必修の重要構文。pedestrian☞ブログ#84。whilst☞②。vendor: someone that sells Cf. vending machine「自動販売機」。stall☞ブログ#70。offering以下は分詞構文。

light: merry, lively, cheerful。festive: typical of a festival or celebration。the festive seasonと言えばChristmastimeのこと。

This year 2012, the illuminations last from Dec. 6 to Dec. 17 and the times are as follows: Mon to Thurs 18:00 – 21:00, Fri 18:00-22:00, Sat 17:00-22:00, and Sun 17:00-21:30. Admission is free but donations are appreciated.

lastは動詞。as follows「次の通り」。


