
#103 🌲Christmas🎅





Marking the birth of Jesus, Christmas is a religious holiday for Christians. For many people it is no longer only a religious festival. It has become a season of general celebration and giving presents. The holiday is officially observed on 25 December, but often celebrations begin a few days earlier and last until the new year. It is one of the most colourful and festive times of the year.

Marking ~ Jesusは分詞構文。Jesus「イエス」。

generalはこの文脈では②のreligiousに対立していて、involving all or most of the members of a communityの意味。つまり、クリスマスはキリスト教徒ではない人も巻き込んだ祭典になっているということ。非キリスト教国である日本でのクリスマスはその典型例。



There are many traditions that go along with the Christmas holiday. Decorating a Christmas tree with fairy lights and ornaments is one of the beloved customs of the holiday. Another common tradition is giving presents, which is frequently associated with Father Christmas, who is also known as Santa Claus. Children leave out mince pies or other treats for him to eat as he delivers presents. They also hang stockings for him to fill with gifts. Other traditions include the sending of cards to family and friends, parties with good food and drink, and the singing of carols and other songs.

go along with ~: be found together with ~。Failing health goes along with old age.「年を取ると健康の衰えが見られる」。⑥全体は、「クリスマス休暇に見られる伝統(風習)がたくさんある」。⑦以降は、そのtradition「伝統(風習)」の具体例。

decorate A with B「AをBで飾る、AにBを飾り付ける」。fairy lightsはクリスマスツリーに飾る色とりどりの豆電球のこと。ほんのりと光り輝く様が、fairy「妖精」を思わせるところからこのように言うのでしょうか。beloved: much loved。his beloved son「彼の最愛の息子」。

非制限用法のwhichは、先行詞の候補が複数になることがあるため要注意。このwhichの先行詞はpresentsではない。意味上はpresentsを先行詞と考えても通るが、もし複数形のpresentsが先行詞なら、whichの直後のbe動詞はisではなくareと書かれているはず。よって、whichの先行詞は「三人称単数」の名詞であると判断でき、先行詞は動名詞のgiving presentsであると考えるのが正しい解釈。こうした文法的に厳密な解釈を蔑ろにしたままの英語学習では一定以上の英語力を身に付けることは不可能であることは、なぜか意外に知られていない。associate A with B☞ブログ#93。Father Christmasはイギリス式の呼び名🎅Santa Clausはもちろん「サンタクロース」だが、日英語での発音の違いに注意。

leave out ~: place ~ ready for someone。She left dinner out for her husband.「彼女は夫のために夕飯を作り置きしておいた」。mince pie「ミンスパイ」はイギリスのクリスマス用のお菓子で、リンゴ・レーズン・レモン・香辛料・砂糖・牛脂を混ぜたものを、ラム酒やブランデーに漬けて作る「ミンスミート(mincemeat)」を詰めたパイ。minceは「挽き肉」の意味で、日本語ではなぜか「ミンチ」「メンチ」という音になっている。


goodをいつでも「良い」と訳すのは良くない癖。good=delicious。(Christmas) carol「クリスマスキャロル」は、クリスマスの時に歌われる聖歌(讃美歌)。

In many European countries families exchange gifts on Christmas Eve, 24 December. In Spain and Italy children receive presents on the night of 5 January. Spanish children leave out their shoes, which they believe are filled with gifts by one of the Wise Men.

leave out☞⑨。which they believe areの関係代名詞whichを受けるのがare。they believeを一旦隠してみると構造がつかみやすくなる。the Wise Men=the magi「東方の三博士」については☞ブログ#56

In Europe and North America people associate Christmas with cold weather and snow. In Australia and South America, however, 25 December comes during the summer. In Brazil people have outdoor Christmas picnics and fireworks.

associate A with B☞ブログ#93


People around the world enjoy eating special Christmas treats. In Britain families make mince pies and Christmas cake. In France people eat a bûche de Noël (Christmas log), a log-shaped sponge cake. People in Mexico like to make buñuelos, fried tortillas covered with syrup and cinnamon sugar.

bûche de Noëlはフランス語。bûcheは「薪」、deは英語で言うと前置詞ofに当たり、 Noëlは「クリスマス」の意味。全体で「クリスマスの薪」となるが、これは「薪を象ったクリスマスケーキ」のこと。spongeと「スポンジ」の発音の違いに注意。


Finally, many Christians around the world attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. In the village of Bethlehem in the Middle East, where Jesus is said to have been born, special services are held at the Church of the Nativity.


Bethlehem「ベツレヘム」☞ブログ#56。the Middle East「中東」。the Nativity「キリストの降誕」。

The word Christmas comes from the Old English term Cristes maesse, meaning ‘Christ's mass'. That was the name of the Christian worship service held on 25 December to honour the birth of Jesus. Although Christians believe that Jesus was born in the small town of Bethlehem, the day and year of his birth are not certain. The stories of Jesus's birth were written down several decades after the event, as Christianity developed, and no specific dates were given.


write down「書き留める」。several decadesは直後のafter the eventを修飾。the eventはJesus’s birthを指す。as☞⑨。

By the AD 300s Christians were divided into two Churches: the Eastern Church, based in Constantinople, and the Western Church, based in Rome. Each Church selected different days to celebrate Jesus's birth. The Eastern Church chose 6 January. That day was named Epiphany, which means ‘appearance'. The Western Church chose 25 December. In the second half of the 300s the Eastern and Western Churches began celebrating each other's festivals. The modern Christian festival therefore lasts for 12 days, from Christmas to Epiphany. In the Western Church, Christians celebrate Epiphany as the day that the three Wise Men, or Magi, visited the baby Jesus. In the East, Epiphany mainly celebrates Jesus's baptism.

AD「紀元」はBC「紀元前」と対になる表現。the AD 300s「紀元4世紀」。the Eastern (Orthodox) Church「東方(正)教会」。Constantinople「コンスタンティノープル」は、トルコ・イスタンブールの旧称。the Western Church「西方教会、ローマカトリック教会」。


the second half of the 300s「4世紀後半」。


